uPD77C25/uPD96050 rom dump page

For the first time ever, All snes games that depend on these DSP chips work 100% accurately, both bit and timing perfect, as a result of low level emulation of the uPD77C25 DSP processor. The first emulator to do this, is bsnes, as of v0.073. DSP1A is 100% identical in program/data rom as DSP1, just on a different hardware revision.

ST0018 is actually an ARMv3 based core, rather than a uPD77C25/uPD96050 based core. It was dumped by byuu using debug commands that were discovered by Martin Korth, who released no$sns.

Games that use DSP1 / 1A / 1B Games that use DSP2 Games that use DSP3 Games that use DSP4 Games that use ST-0010 Games that use ST-0011 Games that use ST-0018
These roms are for bsnes v0.086 or earlier
SHA256 Hash MD5 Hash Rom file
5F2E5ED06B362BE023B978B5978813ECB9A07C76592454B45C2A1ED17A0DE349 4865AC61CD758B0F9383FE3D4D3B8694 dsp1.bin
4D42DB0F36FAEF263D6B93F508E8C1C4AE8FC2605FD35E3390ECC02905CD420C C8BFB983703A96E1C3D4683105112BC0 dsp1b.bin
5EFBDF96ED0652790855225964F3E90E6A4D466CFA64DF25B110933C6CF94EA1 E500EC7F6005E78CB935EEA5289C8CC4 dsp2.bin
2E635F72E4D4681148BC35429421C9B946E4F407590E74E31B93B8987B63BA90 C037185C8BBEF6313226200DBE5FD07F dsp3.bin
63EDE17322541C191ED1FDF683872554A0A57306496AFC43C59DE7C01A6E764A FE85065A7023551B0D84941A094435BA dsp4.bin
55C697E864562445621CDF8A7BF6E84AE91361E393D382A3704E9AA55559041E A1728C31DF22B93E4BDAE73718BA27A2 st0010.bin
651B82A1E26C4FA8DD549E91E7F923012ED2CA54C1D9FD858655AB30679C2F0E 2C56BADDBA22C6649C95C4C3B13ADCE3 st0011.bin

These roms are for bsnes v0.087 or later
SHA256 Hash MD5 Hash Rom file
91E87D11E1C30D172556BED2211CCE2EFA94BA595F58C5D264809EF4D363A97B 428FDB968D54353D9C9ECED1B0586671 dsp1.rom
D789CB3C36B05C0B23B6C6F23BE7AA37C6E78B6EE9CEAC8D2D2AA9D8C4D35FA9 332273CC0DF5775D3803F2FD88E95D18 dsp1b.rom
03EF4EF26C9F701346708CB5D07847B5203CF1B0818BF2930ACD34510FFDD717 9EBBDCEC67C0C01D5A0593D3CF167C9E dsp2.rom
0971B08F396C32E61989D1067DDDF8E4B14649D548B2188F7C541B03D7C69E4E 484908D68405D44E2BE757B4E1E75D15 dsp3.rom
752D03B2D74441E430B7F713001FA241F8BBCFC1A0D890ED4143F174DBE031DA F229FDA2D7B33C5A218CBA28147AB9B8 dsp4.rom
FA9BCED838FEDEA11C6F6ACE33D1878024BDD0D02CC9485899D0BDD4015EC24C 636093910FBAFF60C8B327BE00AEFBD9 st010.rom
8B2B3F3F3E6E29F4D21D8BC736B400BC988B7D2214EBEE15643F01C1FEE2F364 5C209CE0283632B6574AD835BF862BEE st011.rom
6DF209AB5D2524D1839C038BE400AE5EB20DAFC14A3771A3239CD9E8ACD53806 DAFAE0E0C71C924075811C595C61A30E st018.rom

The difference between .bin and .rom, is the endianess of the files. All of the .bin files are big endian, while the .rom files are all little endian.

DSP1/1B/2/3/4.bin is exactly 8KB (8,192 bytes) in size. ST0010/ST0011.bin is exactly 52KB (53,248 bytes) in size.

If you downloaded st0011.bin before Midnight Dec. 13, 2010 PST, please redownload as the one up before was a bad dump. The Shogi AI in the bad dump is very stupid.

Updated: As of bsnes v0.087, you need the roms contained within this archive.

ps. If you were looking for Nintendo 3DS slot0x25KeyX.bin, here it is. :) (It's value is CE E7 D8 AB 30 C0 0D AE 85 0E F5 E3 82 AC 5A F3)

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