Cartridge edge connectorsROM pinsDSP pinsMAD-1 pinsCIC - Security Chip pinsSRAM pins |
If you find more information, or find an error, let me know,
21.477MHz Clock 01 32 /WRAM EXPAND 02 33 REFRESH PA6 03 34 PA7 /PARD 04 35 /PAWR GND 05 36 GND F A11 06 37 A12 r A10 07 38 A13 o A9 08 39 A14 n A8 09 40 A15 t A7 10 41 BA0 A6 11 42 BA1 o A5 12 43 BA2 f A4 13 44 BA3 A3 14 45 BA4 c A2 15 46 BA5 a A1 16 47 BA6 r A0 17 48 BA7 t /IRQ 18 49 /CART D0 19 50 D4 D1 20 51 D5 D2 21 52 D6 D3 22 53 D7 /RD 23 54 /WR CIC out data (p1) 24 55 CIC out data (p2) CIC in data (p7) 25 56 CIC in clock (p6) /RESET 26 57 CPU_CLOCK Vcc 27 58 Vcc PA0 28 59 PA1 PA2 29 60 PA3 PA4 30 61 PA5 Left Audio Input 31 62 Right Audio Input Definitions: A0-A15 - address bus A (offset) BA0-BA7 - address bus A (bank) /RD - read control line for address bus A /WR - write control line for address bus A /CART - set low by console's address decoder when address bus A is accessing memory in the cartridge region /WRAM - set low by console's address decoder when address bus A is accessing memory in the WRAM region /IRQ - a cartridge can pull this low to request an IRQ interrupt on the main CPU PA0-PA7 - address bus B /PARD - read control line for address bus B /PAWR - write control line for address bus B CIC - the security chip (referred to as CIC because that's how it's labeled on cartridge boards) EXPAND - line is pulled high through a resistor the only other thing this is connected to is a pin of the expansion port (probably meant to allow cartridges to know if something is in the expansion port) CPU_CLOCK - I believe this is either the current memory access cycle clock, or it is the current clock given to the CPU core. I need to do more verification to be sure. I know that a 21.477MHz signal is given to the main CPU (+peripherals) chip, and depending on the current memory access cycle, the CPU core is actually clocked at 3.58, 2.68, or 1.79 Mhz (divided down from the original 21.477MHz). This line connects to the main CPU (+peripherals) chip, which I believe outputs this system frequency, probably to allow a cartridge to stay synchronized with the CPU's memory access cycles if it needs to. REFRESH - This is also some kind of clock I believe. I think it is output from the MainChip and connects to the WRAM. It's probably some kind of memory refresh signal. Audio Inputs - whatever the cartridge puts on these lines will be mixed into the SNES's audio output.
This seems to be consistent with all their mask ROMs (some are 32pin, others 36pin).
A17 01 32 Vcc A18 02 31 /OE A15 03 30 A19 A12 04 29 A14 A7 05 28 A13 A6 06 27 A8 A5 07 26 A9 A4 08 25 A11 A3 09 24 A16 A2 10 23 A10 A1 11 22 /CS A0 12 21 D7 D0 13 20 D6 D1 14 19 D5 D2 15 18 D4 Vss 16 17 D3 or A20 01 36 Vcc A21 02 35 A22 A17 03 34 Vcc A18 04 33 /OE A15 05 32 A19 A12 06 31 A14 A7 07 30 A13 A6 08 29 A8 A5 09 28 A9 A4 10 27 A11 A3 11 26 A16 A2 12 25 A10 A1 13 24 /CS A0 14 23 D7 D0 15 22 D6 D1 16 21 D5 D2 17 20 D4 Vss 18 19 D3
This is how most DSP chips are hooked up.
(DSP is a uPD77C25 made by NEC)
Vcc 01 28 Vcc Vcc 02 27 register select(A14 used when DSP is mapped to cartridge memory region, nc 03 26 /CS A12 used when DSP is mapped to expansion memory region) nc 04 25 /RD nc 05 24 /WR D0 06 23 nc D1 07 22 nc D2 08 21 Vcc D3 09 20 Vcc D4 10 19 Vcc D5 11 18 Vcc D6 12 17 GND D7 13 16 RESET (inverted /RESET- SNES slot) D8 14 15 CLOCK
the MAD-1 chip /HI 01 16 /LOW SRAM /CS 02 15 A15 (LoRom), A13 (HiRom) NC 03 14 BA4 (LoRom), A14 (HiRom) ROM /OE 04 13 BA5 SRAM Vcc 05 12 Vcc or BA6 (LoRom), A15 or BA6(HiRom)... Vcc 06 11 /CART (pad 49 on cartridge edge) resistor to +3V of battery 07 10 GND=LoRom, Vcc=HiRom GND 08 09 /RESET (pad 26 on cartridge edge) /HI <--- if two ROM chips, this selects the upper one /LOW <--- if two ROM chips, this selects the lower one
on chip label: D411
on board label: CIC
pad24 01 16 Vcc pad55 02 15 NC NC 03 14 NC GND 04 13 NC NC 05 12 NC pad56 06 11 NC pad25 07 10 NC GND 08 09 NC
the 16kbit SRAM used by Nintendo
A7 01 24 Vcc A6 02 23 A8 A5 03 22 A9 A4 04 21 /WE A3 05 20 /OE A2 06 19 A10 A1 07 18 /CS A0 08 17 D7 D0 09 16 D6 D1 10 15 D5 D2 11 14 D4 Vss 12 13 D3the 256kbit SRAM used by Nintendo
A14 01 28 Vcc A12 02 27 /WE A7 03 26 A13 A6 04 25 A8 A5 05 24 A9 A4 06 23 A11 A3 07 22 /OE A2 08 21 A10 A1 09 20 /CS A0 10 19 D7 D0 11 18 D6 D1 12 17 D5 D2 13 16 D4 GND 14 15 D3